Thursday, February 11, 2010

Village to Honor Chief John C. Pytlovany

As I reported earlier, this month marks the retirement of long time Chief of Police, John C. Pytlovany.  Residents, co-workers and friends are invited March 11th, 2010 to honor the contribution Chief Pytlovany has made to the Village of Scotia.


Location:  Glen Sanders Mansion
Date:          March 11th, 2010
Time:         6 PM to 10 PM

RSVP:     Please contact Adam at (518) 424-2698
                  or  Email:

Cost:     $35      Make checks payable to Scotia PBA

Meal:     Chicken or Beef

Please join us as we pay tribute to the Chief and wish him well in his future challenges. This is sure to be a fun night.


Monday, February 01, 2010

A Little Ice Doesn’t Stop These Guys


Work continues on reinforcing the river bank even after the recent flooding possibility.