Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Western Gateway Bridge Construction–Single Lane Traffic

From the Village of Scotia:

The Western Gateway Bridge will be having the entire deck replaced this year. Work is scheduled to begin October 23, and the entire project is expected to take more than 12 months to complete. During construction traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. This should result in a significant slowing of traffic across the bridge and it is recommended that alternate routes be used when possible.

The Village was informed of the construction schedule only today, so further information will be forthcoming as we receive it. Please do not call Village Hall, this is a New York State DOT project and we do not have any information other than what is in this email.

Mayor Kris Kastberg
Village of Scotia

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More information will become available from New York State on their website
https://www.dot.ny.gov/news/traveler-advisories/2012 and 511NY.  The 511NY is a service that provides real-time traffic alert via E-mail, Facebook( https://www.facebook.com/511NY ) and Twitter ( @511nyAlbany )