Volunteers Needed for Local Dog Park Plan
The Village newsletter announced a search for volunteers interested in serving on a new steering committee. The committee will help develop a plan for a proposed dog park. If this sounds like something you’d like to devote your time review the information below and Email your name, address, and a contact number to info@villageofscotia.org
Scotia Dog Park Steering Committee
Charge to the Committee:
Whereas the Village of Scotia is interested in establishing a Dog Park for use by its residents, the Board of Trustees establishes a five member steering committee to develop and implement a plan and procedure for the construction and operation of such a park. The specific charges to this committee are as follows:
- Produce a list of needs and requirements for the establishment of a viable dog park.
- Review possible locations for a dog park and develop a preference rating for those locations based on needs and requirements.
- Compile a set of rules and regulations for use and operation of the dog park.
- Develop a design and construction budget for the park at the preferred location.
- Identify and pursue sponsors and funding options for the construction cost of the park.
Timeline (Tentative):
- Needs and Requirements - 2 Months
- Location Review - 1 Month
- Rules and Regulations - 2 Months
- Design and Construction Budget - 3 Months
- Sponsors and Funding - 3 Months
Upon completion of the charges to the Dog Park Steering Committee, and depending upon funding availability, the Village would construct, own, and manage the dog park so long as it was viable.