Saturday, December 24, 2005

Police and Fire Web Sites

I made a change to the web site today which I hope everyone will approve.  On the left hand menu there are now two items, Fire and Police which will send folks directly to the web sites created by the Scotia Police Department and Scotia Fire Department.

Both sites look great and were created and are maintained without any tax payer funds.  Police Chief, John Pytlovany created long ago in his spare time to expand his knowledge about web site development. Our new Fire Chief  Richard Kasko has shown his shown his dedication to the village residents with the launch of

Both sites provide a wealth of useful information that can only make all our residents safer and better informed. While is still an “un-official” web site for the village I hope that adding easy access to these two official sites will encourage more to make one of their favorite places.



Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ice Racing on Collins Lake

Lake George Ice Races

This week I received a call from a representative of  Electric City Riders asking if we might consider permitting the winter use of Collins Lake for motorcycle races.  I now have to consider if they should bother to make an official presentation before the full village park board.  I don’t want them to waste their time if we think its completely unacceptable to the community.

I’m not sure I would have an objection to Sunday afternoon racing on the lake but I’m guessing that the opposition might be stronger than the support.  Might be fun to watch and would certainly bring folks into the village.  Think lake residents would object to the noise?

If you have an opinion feel free to click on “Comments” and let me know.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Scotia Christmas Presents

Scotia Blanket

This year we've volunteered again to be the store for the items which were created for last years Centennial celebration. The Scotia Blanket has been the most popular item at $50 and we still have a few dozen left. They were custom made for the centennial so when they sell out, that's it.

Other items include 100 year Plate($30), Books($5), Flint House Cats Meow($20) and there are two ornaments styles left at $15, the Fire House and Flint House.

We don't have an online store but you can call 374-3435 and ask for Cindi and she'll give you directions to where you can pick them up. All proceeds go towards the efforts of the Friends of the Flint House.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Board of Park Commissioners

Last night I was honored by being elected as the newest Chairman of the Village of Scotia, Board of Park Commissioners. Over the last four years I have served on the board led by Tim Keeley. Tim is a near life long time resident of Scotia and had chaired our board for the last eight years. His only reason for stepping down is to enjoy grandkids and retirement in warm and sunny Florida.

My role as Chairman comes at a very challenging time for the village parks. We have some serious problems which need to be solved at a time when funds aren't readily available.

I believe our parks and river front are essential in any economic growth and to maintaining a high quality of life in the entire village. The quality of our parks will be reflected in the quality of new homeowners and new businesses that relocate into our village and surrounding communities.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Village Christmas Tree

We had a real community treat this evening with the lighting of the Village's Christas tree on the corner of Wallace and Ballston Avenue.
The kids from Lincoln School were on hand to sing Christmas songs to a large crowd.